The tournament will be held from 11-18 July 2011, in Rethymno town, Crete.
For one week Rethymno, the town of culture and art is becoming the center of chess events around Europe. The Third International Chess Tournament “Rethymno 2011” is going to be held from 11 till 18 July 2011 and give hospitality to great personalities of chess from many different European countries and as a result the spiritual battles are expected to be fabulous and definitely intensive.
At the same time, all the participants will have the opportunity to learn about the history of this town through a series of cultural events, an issue which is going to characterize Rethymno as chess and multicultural town during the period of the tournament!
For that reasons, we invite you to come and enjoy your stay at Rethymno city, traveling on the white and black squares with the company of officers and kings, next to the amazing Cretan Sea!
CO - ORGANIZERS: Region of Rethymno, Greek chess federation, Chamber of Commerce Rethymnon
TOURNAMENT VENUE: The "House of Culture" (central "Mikrasiaton" square, Rethymno old town)
MODE: 9 rounds, Swiss System
TIMETABLE: Registration until 11:00 p.m., Monday, 11 July 2011
Opening Ceremony: Monday, 11 July, starting at 17:00
Closing Ceremony: Monday, 18 July, starting at 19.00
TIME CONTROL: 90 min for 40 moves + 30min + 30sec per move from the first move.
1. The results between the tied players (provided they have all played against each other)
2. Buchholz
3. Median Buchholz
4. Sum of Progressive Scores (and its tie-breaks)
5. Sonnenborn-Berger
6. Drawing of lots
TOURNAMENT DIRECTOR: Mathioudakis Xenofon, Anagnostakis Emmanouil
ENTRY FEE: for the Open will be inversely related to grade:
Free - titled players (GM, IM, WGM, WIM) and players with ELO up 2300+
30 €, players with ELO 2100-2299,
40 € players under 18
50 € all others players.
PRIZES: Total Prize Fund 8.500 Euro
* For equally matched players, the prices will be shared by the Hort system
* If a player wins two Special categories prices, he takes the bigger one
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